
Shaniece Confides in Evelyn About Her Relationship Issues

Season 1 Episode 104
Aired on 08/01/2015 | CC
The day after the surprise 35th birthday party for Shaniece's boyfriend, Zat Knight, she confides in her mother that she's having second thoughts about moving in with her longtime love. Shaniece met Zat, her boyfriend of three years, two weeks before her 19th birthday, and before she settles down, she says she may want to experience more in life.

"I just feel like we're on two totally different pages," Shaniece says through tears. "I don't think I want to live with him. I don't think I'm ready."

Shaniece realizes she's at a turning point in her relationship and may need to make a decision soon. "Some days I want to be by myself," she says. "Sometimes, I think about dating other people."

Speaking from experience, Evelyn advises Shaniece to be honest with Zat about how she's feeling. "Relationships are hard," Evelyn says. "You have to, like, either really, really want it and work at it, and if you're feeling like that, then you're going to have to really reconsider."

Watch this emotional mother-daughter discussion to find out what Shaniece already said to Zat.

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