
Uncle Matt Reveals His Parkinson's Diagnosis to Robinson

Season 1 Episode 113
Aired on 03/18/2017 | CC
Holly Robinson Peete's side of the family is all too familiar with Parkinson's disease. Holly's father, best known for his role as the original Gordon on Sesame Street, battled Parkinson's for 20 years before his death in 2002, and now, Holly's brother, Matt, has also been diagnosed with the degenerative disease. Some of the Peetes know of Matt's condition, but 14-year-old Robinson has no idea. Now, Uncle Matt believes it's time for that to change.

While sharing with his nephew some of the turntable techniques he learned as a DJ, Uncle Matt takes the opportunity to open up about his health. Find out how Uncle Matt breaks the news, and see how Robinson reacts upon learning that his uncle struggles with the same disease as his grandfather.

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