
3 of 10
Patricia, Las Vegas

I hope to clear my mind (and body) of "junk thought" (and junk food!). Physically, I need to get my body moving again—to get motivated to exercise on a daily basis. I hope to meet others, share perspectives and just have some fun!

During my stay at Miraval, I noted:
  • Women are the stronger sex. I've known this for a long time, but it was just so overwhelmingly obvious at Miraval.
  • 35 grams of fiber a day is impossible (for me).
  • Finding my North Star requires a better compass than I currently own. (My needle appears to be stuck on south; never mind that technically this is impossible!).
  • Everybody has problems. Some we create for ourselves, some others create for us. How we react to those problems is up to the individual. Eleanor Roosevelt stated, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." We must control our reaction to our problems or perceptions. Otherwise, they will own you.
  • A very dark room and a very comfortable bed are critical to a good night's sleep.
  • Don't let Dr. Oz measure your waistline.
  • Five days at Miraval, with facials and scrubs, helped me forget the contractors' flubs.
  • Bob Greene is cute!
  • I can go a couple of days without chocolate.