Breathing Space: December
Take a minute to escape! Browse stunning photographs from all over the world.
by Lynn Okura
Photograph by Karen Legeyt
Redding, California
I saw the light shining through, and it made me happy!
Photograph by Lilli Day
Plymouth, Michigan
When I see the trees kissed by that golden autumn sun, their leaves are more vivid and alive to me than ever.
Photograph by Annelle Hollingsworth
Issaquah, Washington
Photography for me is as much about the moment as it is about the art.
Photograph by Micaela Bellopede
Lake Massawippi, Quebec, Canada
Light dancing on water. Fond memories of hello and goodbye.
Photograph by Debra Harden
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A very serene spot to view the ocean crashing against the Rocks of Aproador.
Photograph by Sharon Hill
Deltona, Florida
I took this photo in my front yard … to hang in my mother's hospice room so she would have something from home to make her feel better.
Photograph by Allison Sullivan
Seneca Rocks, West Virginia
I forget from time to time that this is the way we were intended to live: in the purity this earth gives us so unconditionally.
Photograph by Shirl West
Lake Conroe, Texas
I LOVE this photo! It was taken on a cool spring morning on Lake Conroe, Texas.
Photograph by Andrew Dwyer
Australia Outback
These images are some taken by me during my 20 years leading expeditions into remote areas of the Australian Outback.
Photograph by Denisse Sangiovanni
Solon, Iowa
Lake McBride located in Solon, Iowa, captures the beauty of winter like no other place I have ever seen.
Photograph by Antanya Chung Gardiner
U.S. Virgin Islands
This is a picture my husband took when we were on vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Photograph by Sharon Rhoades
East Aurora, New York
One of our winter storms it just takes your breath away. Just so beautiful to see.
Photograph by Lyn D. Nielson
Place of Sage, eastern Washington
And even though you don't have to climb a mesa to talk with God…it sure is nice to be able to.
Photograph by Harmon White-Price
Tobago, Caribbean
A Caribbean sunrise—the perfect start to a beautiful day.
Photograph by Leslie Kuntz
Bigfork, Montana
An Angel's Essence
Photograph by Brenda Levos
Rural Leonard, North Dakota
I snapped these images on cold winter morning, and the fog so beautifully isolated these trees … a great sense of peace and serenity.
Photograph by Diane Wooldridge
Arlington, Texas
God…the perfect artist.
Photograph by Patty Keigan
Ontario, Canada
The amber light of the slowly setting sun casts a vibrant glow over the fields.
Photograph by Jennifer Berntsen
Point Lobos, California
I realize even more profoundly how important it is to live life as fully as possible, no matter what your situation is.
Photograph by Shirley Caldwell
West Pennant, Nova Scotia
I took this photo at sunset on Nova Scotia's south shore.
Published 12/17/2008