Best Collection
Crystals. Two years ago, I found a store in New York City called Rock Star Crystals and felt like I'd truly lost my mind. By the time I left, I thought, "I just spent $200 on rocks. What am I doing?" I don't know what mine are for—I choose them based on colors I like.

Best Date
My boyfriend once took me to a train-themed restaurant called the Choo-Choo in a suburb of Chicago. They serve your hamburger and fries on a model train that zooms across the counter. It's likely meant for kids, but I was delighted.

Best Wardrobe Staple
Never underestimate the power of a good bra. Boobs are heavy and can be a nightmare—but the right bra is a game changer. I didn't have one until I got to Saturday Night Live and was guided by true wardrobe professionals. They said, "Ma'am, let us help you," and suddenly I looked better in my clothes and my shoulders didn't hurt.

Best Free Saturday
The bra comes off and I get in what can only be described as the worst-looking sweatsuit ever. Then I'll have a grilled cheese and soup delivered—which is sad because I can easily make those things myself—and watch six hours of Real Housewives with my dog, Fuzz, in my lap. Heaven.

Best Advice from Mom
My mother is still very good about making sure I say thank you. And I do think that if you enter into things with a thankful point of view, you'll always remain appreciative.


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