watermelon seeds

Photo: popovaphoto/iStock

The Seeds You Haven't Seen Before
Superfood seeds, such as flax, hemp and wheat germ may be all the rage, but have you tried watermelon seeds? Banish the thought of those black ovals; the watermelon seeds Long Island, New York nutritionist Karen Ansel eats are sprouted and shelled. They're high in protein (more than eight grams per ounce) and have a nutty flavor. Ansel sprinkles them on yogurt and salad.

What else they're good for: Snacking on for a midafternoon energy burst.
truffle salt

Photo: Kristin Duvall/Getty Images

The Salt That Changes Everything
The earthy, woody flavor of truffle salt is so heavenly, Oprah brings it with her (almost) everywhere. It turns out nutritionists love it, too; Megan Wolf, a New York City-based nutritionist and author of Great Meals with Greens and Grains, says just a pinch adds major flavor to foods from eggs to salads to avocado toast.

What else it's good for: Dusting on good-for-you but potentially bland foods, such as popcorn or roasted chickpeas.
peppermint extract

Photo: Amy_Lv/iStock

A Baking Staple, Reinvented
The potent punch of a flavored extract, such as almond or peppermint, isn't just for cookies and cakes. Los Angeles dietitian Marie Feldman RD, CDE, author of The Big Book of Diabetic Recipes, uses them year-round in smoothies (she puts almond extract in tropical-themed ones that feature banana or pineapple, while peppermint is great in a green smoothie that also includes cocoa powder). Just use a small amount, because a little goes a long way; about an eighth of a teaspoon is probably all you need for one blender's worth of smoothie ingredients.

What else it's good for: Mixing into oatmeal, homemade energy bars or hot chocolate.
dried mulberries

Photo: baibaz/iStock

A Dried Fruit That's Worth the Splurge
If you love the sweet tang of dried cranberries and the mellow smoothness of dried figs, you might just fall in love with dried, white mulberries. Although they're a bit pricier than some other dried fruits, Feldman likes to keep a stash of the antioxidant-rich berries in her cabinets for garnishing salads or for eating with yogurt; they have a pleasantly chewy texture that goes equally well with crisp lettuce as it does with creamy dairy.

What else it's good for: Adding to pancakes.
kale potion

Photo: Lynn Andriani

The Green Cocktail Mixer
Aside from margaritas, we aren't really used to seeing grass-colored drinks—until we met Drew Ramsey, MD, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University who takes a nutrition-based approach to clinical treatment. He keeps his kitchen stocked with kale powder, which he uses to make a cocktail he calls Kale Potion No. 9. The bright green beverage includes a teaspoon of the stuff, as well as kombucha, lemonade and a splash of vodka.

What else it's good for: Stirring into smoothies, tomato sauce or as a garnish for anything that could use a colorful, healthy boost, from bruschetta to baked potatoes.