E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial Movie Night
Illustration by David Stinnette
Flying bicycles, captive frogs, mysterious government agents and a lovable 4-foot alien—no one can deny the fact that E.T. is one of the greatest movies of all time. Whether you're a child or child at heart, there is no better film to add a touch of nostalgia to your movie night. Use these ideas to set the scene...
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- We don't really know what E.T.'s home planet is like, but we do know one thing—it's 3 million light-years from Earth. Visit your local party store, and you're bound to find amazing outer space–themed decorations. One of the most memorable scenes in the film takes place when Elliot and E.T. are flying their bike past the moon, so figure out a way to incorporate the glowy sphere into your décor.
- Another key plot point is when Elliott lures E.T. with Reese's Pieces. Make sure to have lots of the peanut buttery treats around your home. You can even leave a path of them up your front walk so your friends know what's in store.
- In the film, Michael and all his friends love noshing on pizza, "without the little fishies." Make cooking easy by ordering in instead! Their favorite was sausage and pepperoni.
- Potted flowers played a huge role in the movie. Why not give your friends their own flowers as a party gift?
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When Harry Met Sally
Back to the Future
Plan a holiday themed movie night!