
A Surf School That Teaches Visually-Impaired Kids Anything Is Possible

Season 1 Episode 110
Aired on 08/12/2017 | CC
Jack Viorel started IndoJax Surf Charities to teach special-needs kids to surf. Through his free surf camps, the kids and their families are able to redefine what's possible.

In this clip, The Hero Effect host Donald Driver meets visually-impaired surf camper Dyan O'Campo. Dyan started attending surf camp nine years ago and picked up the sport immediately, earning him the nickname "Dynamite."

While Dyan says school can be difficult because he gets picked on, surf camp is where he shines. "It's just really fun to be on the board. And when you're on the wave, it just feels really good and you feel the wind and everything, and the water under your feet," he says. "Really, it's giving everyone the idea that I can do anything I set my mind to."

As Dyan and the other visually-impaired campers prepare to hit the waves, Jack gives the surf instructors a heartfelt pep talk. "It really is rare in life that you get to do something that really changes the course of someone else's life for the better," Jack tells the instructors. "When they get scared, they'll know from you that they can just fight right through it. Pour your heart and soul out for these kids. Make sure they leave knowing that they can achieve anything. Let's go as hard as we can, give these kids the best four nights of their lives."

OWN's uplifting docuseries The Hero Effect brings to life the stories of ordinary individuals who are making extraordinary differences in their communities. It airs monthly, on Saturdays at 10 a.m. ET/PT.