Why Should I Care?

Republicans have never had to think twice about winning in Kansas. Until now. This time, a Democrat and Independent are giving the GOP a run for their ruby slippers.

What Names Do I Need to Know?

Sen. Pat Roberts (R, Incumbent): Been in Washington DC since legwarmers and perms were a thing. Some voters think that's too long and that he's fallen out of touch with the state. It doesn't help that many are questioning whether he actually has a house in Kansas anymore.

Greg Orman (I): Orman's running as the guy who can "fix" DC. And putting his rags-to-riches story as an entrepreneur to work. He ran as a Dem against Roberts in '08, but now he's trying to bring Independence Day to Toto's hometown.

Gov. Sam Brownback (R): Landed the governor’s mansion thanks to a boost from the Tea Party in '10. He once said he was doing a "real live experiment” with GOP policies in Kansas. Voters don't like experiments.

Paul Davis (D): Kansas's House Minority Leader. Gaining some traction by focusing on spending cuts that Davis says have hurt Kansas's quality of education. Had some 'splaining to do when it came out he'd been at a strip club during a police raid in the '90s. Maybe he was there for the wings?

What Are the Issues?

The Economy: Brownback has pushed through some major tax cuts, which some say is a major problem for the state's financial stability. Davis says this left the school system underfunded.

President Obama: Orman's dealing with a ton of TV ads trying to tie him to President Obama. Which is funny since Orman's ads also hit Obama for being a big part of Washington DC's problems.

Orman's Background: Voters don't know who Orman is, and Roberts's campaign is trying really hard to poke holes in Orman's image as an independent-minded entrepreneur.

I'm from Kansas. What Do I Need to Know About Voting?

October 14th is your deadline to register to vote. Go here for more info.

October 31st is your deadline to request an absentee ballot. Go here for more info.

November 4th is Election Day. Get it done before Happy Hour—voting closes at 7 p.m. local time.


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