Why Should I Care?

It's a toss up whether the Dems will keep a grip on the Senate this year. And Arkansas is one of the few states that could make all the difference.

What Names Do I Need To Know?

Sen. Mark Pryor (D, Incumbent): Pryor prides himself on being a moderate, right-down-the-middle kind of guy. But since he got elected two-terms ago, the state has gone right-down-the-right. Which is a problem for him.

Rep. Tom Cotton (R): A newbie congressman with big Tea Party backing who’s taking advantage of Arkansas’ pro-Republican turn to make a run at Pryor.

What Are The Issues?

Obama: President Obama lost the state...badly...in '08 and '12. And Cotton's taking advantage by tying Pryor to Obama's record on jobs, immigration, Iraq, Benghazi. Basically everything that makes Republicans see red.

Obamacare: Arkansas voters are really over the federal government right now, and see the Affordable Care Act as the worst of it. Pryor voted 'yes' in 2010, and a lot of voters are still stuffed up from an Obamacare cold.

Gimme Something To Say

Mark Pryor ran an ad supporting the Healthcare-law-that-shall-not-be-named. Actually though. He refused to mention its name.

I'm From Arkansas. What Do I Need To Know About Voting?

October 5th is your deadline to register to vote, if you're voting in person. Print this, fill it out, and mail it to the address on the form. Snail-mail. Deal with it.

October 28th is your deadline to submit an absentee ballot if you're going to be out of state on Election Day. Apply to get an absentee ballot by printing this, and mailing it to your county clerk.

November 4th is Election Day. Get it done before Happy Hour—voting closes at 7:30 p.m. local time.


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