Why Should I Care?

While all eyes are on the Senate this year, where the GOP is making a play for control, Arizona has different things on its mind. An open governor's seat and a tight House race are hogging all the attention.

Why Do I Need to Know?

Doug Ducey (R): Arizona's state treasurer and former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery (thank him for ice creams with names like "The Pie Who Loved Me"). Ducey's got an edge in very-conservative AZ, but polls are narrowing and people think he's losing his flavor.

Fred DuVal (D): Former White House staffer under Clinton and now an AZ state official. Unpopular GOP Gov. Jan Brewer is on her way out, which could give DuVal a big leg up.

Ron Barber (D, Incumbent): Congressman since 2012. Used to be a staffer for Gabby Giffords (former Congresswoman, survived a shot to the head, now gun control advocate).

Martha McSally (R): Retired US Air Force colonel. Ran against Barber in 2012 and it didn't fly. Lost by a very narrow margin and now she's back for more.

What are the Issues?

The Economy: Arizona's unemployment rate is on the rise and both candidates are making job creation a focus. Ducey's also promising tax cuts to lighten the economic load if he's elected.

Immigration: This year, tens of thousands of unaccompanied children crossed the US-Mexico border. Guess who's a border state? Arizona. Voters are zeroing in on the issue.

Gun Control: Barber's old boss, former Rep. Giffords, is supporting him in large part because of his pro-gun-control policies.

Gimme Something to Say

Gabby recently aired an ad against McSally, accusing her of being in favor of policies that let stalkers buy guns. The ad wasn't ENTIRELY accurate so it got pulled.

I'm from Arizona. What Do I Need to Know About Voting?

October 6th is your deadline to register to vote. Print this, fill it out, and mail it to your County Recorder's office. Snail-mail. Deal with it.

October 24th is your deadline to request an absentee ballot if you're going to be out of state on Election Day. Get an absentee ballot by contacting your county clerk.

November 4th is Election Day. Get it done before Happy Hour—voting closes at 7 p.m. local time.


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