
Kym Whitley Calls Out Tyrese for Being a Player

Season 1 Episode 103
Tyrese makes no secret of being a bit of a ladies' man. He has even admitted to infidelity in the past. So, when Raising Whitley star Kim Whitley drops by and the subject turns to players, she isn't about to let him off the hook easily.

She ups the ante by challenging him to come clean about his dating habits. "Sir, what does single mean? Single means, 'I'm not married'? Or, does single mean, 'I'm dating her, her and her, and I ain't committed to none of them'?" she says as Tyrese looks dumbfounded.

In a must-see moment, Kym turns up the heat—and brings down the house—while an uneasy Tyrese squirms in his seat.

Tune in Saturday, February 27, at 9/8c.