
Alanis Morissette on Battling Postpartum Depression: "I Just Didn't Want to Be Alive"

Season 1 Episode 106
Aired on 03/29/2015 | CC
Singer/songwriter Alanis Morissette says that when she and her husband, Mario "Souleye" Treadway, found out they were expecting, it was the most beautiful surprise of her life. "I've wanted to be a mom since as far back as I can remember," Alanis says. "And it was coupled with my wondering if I could handle it."

On December 25, 2010, they welcomed their son, Ever Imre Morissette-Treadway, into the world. Soon after, Alanis—who has battled depression and anxiety throughout her life—began suffering from postpartum depression. "So I just felt like I woke up underwater every day and that tar was being poured all over me, and I just didn't want to be alive," Alanis says. "I didn't want to be here."

Watch Alanis explain why, for a long time, she believed living with depression was just the way life was.

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