Welcome, Virgo Season! Get ready to clean up the many messes of your life and organize to your heart's content. A practical earth sign, Virgo is fixated on getting things to work. Under this influence, efficiency is romantic and organization is a turn-on. When something is out of whack, Virgo will know how to get it back in place. When life feels chaotic, Virgo will tidy up.

No cluttered cupboard is safe when Virgo is around.

Virgo is also known for being fussy, and while this may be how the sign manifests in some, it's real aim is the intelligent flow of energy. To streamline is divine. When things are in order, healing happens much more easily. And so does success.

When Virgo wants to make something happen, it manifests an almost superhuman capacity to work until it is so. The Virgo characteristic is legendary—we don't call this BeyoncĂ© Season for nothing.

As the last part of August and the first part of September unfold, the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all move through the busy fields of Virgo. That number of planets moving through a sign results in a heavy emphasis on the sign's traits—and in this case, that means that work and how we do ours will become a major focus in our lives.

As the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars move through Virgo, they each create relationships with Uranus, planet of innovation; Saturn, planet of discipline; and Pluto, planet of transformation. This set-up encourages us all to work in ways that are efficient and sustainable—so the the long-lasting changes we need to make can take place.

Here's how Virgo season will affect each zodiac sign.

Read the full story here: How Virgo Season Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign


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