weight loss plan

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Lindsay Gutierrez

AGE: 25

GOAL: To land her dream job with the Department of Homeland Security. But first, Lindsay must pass the required fitness test.

Emotional Check-in: "Moderation, in general, will be huge for Lindsay," says Mager. "She's exercising two and a half hours a day, but her weight loss has plateaued. What she doesn't realize is that she's eating too little and exercising too much, which sets her up to overeat when she does have meals. I encouraged her to find a more moderate form of exercise that's sustainable when she has a full-time job. Food is also a very big deal in her culture, so she has to find a way to embrace the things she values without feeling deprived."

Nutrition Advice: Consume real food in place of her regular protein shakes. "Lindsay needs to focus on eating a well-rounded dinner," says Lippert. An easy breakdown for meals: 50 percent of the plate should be veggies or salad, 25 percent protein, and 25 percent healthy carbs.