11 Scrumptious (and Energizing!) Breakfast Recipes
Whatever your morning holds, there's a nutritious breakfast to meet your needs. Each of these delicious morning meals (except one decadent sandwich) has 355 calories or less.
Lazy-Day Eggs
On mornings when you leap out of bed only to settle down in front of a computer screen, a high-protein breakfast is best (too many carbs would make you sluggish, says dietitian Wendy Bazilian). This egg on a bed of sautéed chard has classic Caesar salad ingredients—anchovies, capers and Parmesan melted on a slice of toast.
Per serving: 304 calories, 16 grams protein, 4 grams saturated fat, 3 grams fiber. Plus more than 130 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamins A and C.
Get the recipe: Sunny Side Up Eggs
Per serving: 304 calories, 16 grams protein, 4 grams saturated fat, 3 grams fiber. Plus more than 130 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamins A and C.
Get the recipe: Sunny Side Up Eggs
From the September 2010 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine