Whisper Sweet Nothings

Words possess the power to excite and ignite the passions. Dim the lights, and in your most seductive voice, recite a poem, sing a love song or simply express your deepest feelings to your loved one.

Poet Julie Seager, author of Erotic Poetry for Vegans and Vegetarians , wrote the following words especially for my readers:

lie she,
lie he,
lie thee,
Lie down, my fair chocolate maiden
An entrée to a restaurant heart beats
She asks for a Dom Perignon starter
But my vegetable heart beats harder
And heartier
Asparagus green, memories unseen
I want the red of the beetroot
The green of the bean shoot
The life that did not take root
Grate, sieve, dice, give
Mix, sift, gift, rift
Without the food processor
I want to
Asparagus love
Your aroma lives on Valentine's Day
14th February heart beet
Vegetable puree, green pulse, romantic's fury
Love, sense, chocolate and coriander
We will meet in the pure BLUE yonder

And when words fail you? Turn to my Kiss-Me-Quick Risotto , which is sure to add an element of sensuality and fun to your dining experience. The risotto is made with beets, which give it its lovely rosy color and you can serve with a side dish of lightly steamed asparagus, which has long been known as an aphrodisiac because of its suggestive shape and nutritional benefits.

I'm wishing each of you a sexy and fun Valentine's Day, and whether you're single or in a relationship, make sure that you spice up your day with some delicious food cooked with the intention of bringing love, passion and vitality into your life!

With love,


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