dog on park bench

They Are Never Too Busy to Take a Break

Name: Cooper
Age: 15 years old
Hometown: New York, New York

Photo: Reprinted from Senior Dogs Across America by Nancy LeVine. Copyright © 2016 by Nancy LeVine. Published by Schiffer Publishing.

dogs on chair

They Value Lifelong Friends

Names: Englebert, Hercules and climber Eeoyore
Ages: Englebert, 9 years old; Hercules, 17 years old; Eeoyore, 14 years old
Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Photo: Reprinted from Senior Dogs Across America by Nancy LeVine. Copyright © 2016 by Nancy LeVine. Published by Schiffer Publishing.

dog on tractor

They Recognize That Keeping Active and Involved Matters

Name: Ginger
Age: 12 1/2 years old
Hometown: Devils Tower, Wyoming

Photo: Reprinted from Senior Dogs Across America by Nancy LeVine. Copyright © 2016 by Nancy LeVine. Published by Schiffer Publishing.

dog in yard

They Can Find Solitude in Everyday Places

Name: Joon
Age: 16 years old
Hometown: Sandwich, Massachusetts

Photo: Reprinted from Senior Dogs Across America by Nancy LeVine. Copyright © 2016 by Nancy LeVine. Published by Schiffer Publishing.

dog on doorstep

They Know There's No Place Like Home

Name: Cecilia
Age: 12 years old
Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland

Photo: Reprinted from Senior Dogs Across America by Nancy LeVine. Copyright © 2016 by Nancy LeVine. Published by Schiffer Publishing.
dog on bed

They Never Underestimate the Importance of a Good Bed

Name: Rex
Age: 18 years old
Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Senior Dogs Across America Photo: Reprinted from Senior Dogs Across America by Nancy LeVine. Copyright © 2016 by Nancy LeVine. Published by Schiffer Publishing.