Osiris the Dutch Shepherd and Riff Ratt the Rat

These two rescues, Osiris and Riff Ratt, found in an abandoned parking lot and brought to safety by a reptile-food supplier, share a bond despite their size difference.

Pumpkin the Raccoon with Oreo and Toffee, the Royal Bahamian Potcakes

The gang's all here...except this trio of rescues has an unlikely member. Pumpkin might not be a canine, but Oreo and Toffee don't seem to mind one bit.

Baloo the American Black Bear, Leo the African Lion and Shere Khan the Bengal Tiger

The BFFs known as "The BLT" (an acronym for bear, lion, tiger) came to Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary as cubs, after police discovered them malnourished in a basement of an Atlanta home. Their shared frightening past created a deep connection between them and they still live together, harmoniously, at the sanctuary.

Angel the Goat and Piney the Pig

The snuggle is real.

Miss Zoe the French Bulldog and Mr. Bailey the Cat

Not your typical game of hide-and-seek between a cat and a dog. Miss Zoe and Mr. Bailey are far from enemies—in fact, the playful pair are blissfully unaware of cat and dog stereotypes.

Carlee the Sheep and Safran the Cow

When Carlee first arrived at Farm Sanctuary's Southern California Shelter, she couldn't roam with the other sheep, since she had to be monitored for health issues. So, instead, she made friends with her cattle neighbors.

Franklin the Tortoise and Fuzzy the Rabbit

A real-life tortoise and hare—minus the race, and plus some love.

Gertjie the Rhino and Lammie the Sheep

Little orphan Gertjie met the affectionate Lammie at the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre in South Africa, where he learned a thing or two about prancing like a lamb.

Lil' Sebastian the Goat and Bing the Prairie Dog

Lil' Sebastian gives the royal treatment to not just any prairie dog, but to his buddy Bing, who happens to be quite the Internet celebrity.

Bela the Sheep and Sofie the Goat

The feeling's mutual for these two besties. The calm goat and Zen sheep met after being rescued by Farm Sanctuary in Los Angeles and haven't left each other's sides since. They spend their days working together to lead the sheep flock, and in their spare time, love to fit in a quality nuzzling session.

Chutti the Rhino and Moo Moo Kitty the Ankole Cow

The greater one-horned rhino newborn needed a playmate, so the keepers at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park introduced him to a sociable, eight-month-old African cattle calf.

Harlow the Weimaraner with Indiana and Reese, the Miniature Dachshunds

Harlow's BFFs might be teeny compared to her, but what they lack in size they make up for in love and affection.

Sukari the Lion and Bubba the Mastiff

Sweet dreams are made of an adorable nap-time moment shared between two animals from very different walks of life.


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