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My boyfriend, Ed, and I were looking to do something different on Valentine's Day. We are both in our 40s have been dating now for 10 years. Well, we decided to go to the big city—Fort Wayne, Indiana. It's about an hour from our small town. We kind of knew where the movie theater was but weren't sure. We found it but could not find a place to park. We drove around and around for half an hour looking for a spot, but we gave up. He thought he knew where there was another theater—we found it, but it was no longer open for business.

So, we decided to eat instead. We thought Golden Coral Buffet would be a good choice, [but diners] were lined outside into the parking lot. We decided not, so we headed back home. We ended up at KFC close to 8 p.m. They had a buffet, but they told us they were about to close the buffet, and we had to order off the menu only. Bummer. Everything we tried to do just didn't work out. All in all it was a nice time, but we learned to never try to plan anything on Valentine's Day. Everyone else has the same ideas as you!

— Janet of Pennville, Indiana