"Oprah & Eckhart Tolle: A New Earth" Chapter 4 guest Dionne Gray

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Dionne Provided This Update:
I decided to become involved with the webcast because I felt like I had a story to share. I really believe our stories connect us as humans because you find that we have a lot of things in common. So I felt like what the book had done for me was something that I wanted to share with a wider audience, just to help other people who are probably going through the same things that I was.

When the webcast was being done, I was actually en route back to my home country in Trinidad. I had just gotten off a flight, and I was scheduled to go on at about 9 p.m. that night. So I rushed from the airport right to my home in Trinidad, where there was a phone call waiting for me, and I did the webcast from there. It was really exciting.

The question that I had for Eckhart Tolle was about my ability to recognize when I was stepping into a role that I didn't want to play in any particular situation. ... What Eckhart said to me is just as simple as all his teachings. He just said that I needed practice and that I needed to be patient. And that's what I did. Over time, I continued to be aware of situations, and I began to pay more attention to my inner voice and understand really early on what was happening in a given situation.

Since that experience, I would say my life has really changed in a whole lot of different ways, mainly because I've learned to be more present in my daily encounters with people, whether I'm at the job or at home or interacting with family or friends. I've learned to just be present and understand exactly what's happening around me. And I've learned to tune in more to my emotions and to pay attention to them—to recognize whether they are emotions that are valid or whether they're emotions that I may not need to necessarily need to pay attention to. I try to figure out what's true for me in any given moment.