May 10, 2011
Returning to The Oprah Show for her final appearance on May 10, 2011, Stacey reflected on her decades-long journey to get where she is today: still struggling with her weight but certainly healthier than she was 20 years ago.

Yet, even after losing several hundred pounds, she said she didn't feel worthy of returning to the show for a final time. "I didn't feel like I deserved to be here," she said. "But now I know that I deserve to be here, and I don't want to hide anymore."

If her journey has taught her anything, it's that losing weight is a struggle that doesn't magically disappear one day. "My dream was that I wanted to come here and be at the finish line," Stacey explained. "There is no finish line. It's an ongoing process."

Catch up with Stacey and see how she's doing today
