Oprah and Nate

Dean sets the stage for Nate Berkus and Oprah during a break in taping the show Nate Makes a Mother's Wish Come True .
Oprah and producer Julie.

Oprah Show producer Julie discusses her notes with Oprah during a commercial break.
Dan Buettner, Dr. Oz and Oprah

Author Dan Buettner and Oprah admire Dr. Oz's civilian outfit—not surgical scrubs—during a break in the show Ageless Living with Dr. Oz: Secrets of the Blue Zones .
Dean, Oprah and the anti-aging foods of Sardinia

Dean sets a table on the set with anti-aging foods from the Italian island of Sardinia—red wine, grapes, cheese and whole grain bread.
Oprah poses with Dr. Ellsworth Wareham and his wife, Barbara.

Oprah poses with Dr. Ellsworth Wareham and his wife, Barbara. Dr. Wareham is 95 years old…and still regularly performs heart surgery!
Kelly helps Oprah with her outfit.

In a break during taping of How to Have the Thriftiest Holiday Ever! , Kelly helps Oprah with the finishing touches on her outfit for a cooking demonstration with chef Cristina Ferrare.
This turkey is ready for its closeup.

The Oprah Show crew gets a prepared turkey ready for its national television debut.

Get Cristina Ferrare's holiday recipes!
Oprah celebrates.

Oprah celebrates with two participants in the Pay It Forward Challenge during a taping of the show Oprah's Favorite Giveaway Ever The Results!
Oprah watches an audience video.

Oprah and the audience watch a video submission from the Pay It Forward Challenge.
Al Gore gets a makeup touch-up.

During a break in the show Global Warming 101 with Al Gore , the former vice president—and winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize—gets a touch-up on his makeup.
Oprah and former Vice President Al Gore take a question from the audience.

Oprah and Gore take a question on global warming from the audience.