Under the Sea in Australia
The oceans off Australia's coasts are teeming with life. Peer inside the Sydney Aquarium's tanks to see striking sea creatures.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
The oceans off Australia—the world's largest island—are home to thousands of marine fish species.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
Biscuit Starfish
This bright orange sea star can be found in waters near Sydney, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
During jellyfish season, snorkelers diving near Australia's Great Barrier Reef are advised to wear brightly colored, protective "stinger suits."
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
Clown Anemonefish
Made popular by the acclaimed animated film Finding Nemo, this species of fish typically lives in shallow waters in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea and western Pacific Ocean.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
Onespot Foxface Rabbitfish
This fish with a funny name is a popular addition to at-home saltwater aquariums.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
These delicate sea creatures are not like most fish. Seahorse couples mate for life, and the males carry the unborn young.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
This stingray may seem to have a smile on its face—but don't be fooled! These shallow-water carnivores produce a venom that can be fatal to humans.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
Moorish Idol
It's said that these distinctive swimmers got their name from the Moors of Africa, who believed these fish were bringers of happiness.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
At the Sydney Aquarium, visitors can stop by Shark HQ to see the hatchery, one of the world's largest collections of these ocean predators and never-before-seen Great White Shark and Bull Shark tracking.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
Sea Turtle
Six of the seven sea turtle species in the world are found on the Great Barrier Reef.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
Also known as a Turkeyfish or Firefish, this beautiful sea creature packs a punch. Its potent venom can cause divers to experience intense pain.
Photo: Stephanie Snipes
Giant Stingray
Don't look up! Walk through the aquarium's viewing tunnels to get up-close with some of Mother Nature's wonders.
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Published 01/18/2011