In Evil Hour (1962)
By Gabriel García Márquez

In Evil Hour is stylistically similar to No One Writes to the Colonel. It takes place in the same unnamed town and involves many of the same characters, including Father Angel, the cynical Doctor, and the Mayor. The town has become a lot less friendly since then, however, and tensions run high against a violent and shifting backdrop of politics. Lately, lampoons have been appearing in town—broadsides tacked up overnight, repeating in plain day the gossip about various members of the town. No one knows who is posting these notices about affairs, abortions and crimes but everyone soon becomes involved and as the story progresses the people of the town get increasingly more violent.

Revised a few years before he began One Hundred Years of Solitude the novel shares some of the sense of timeless presence that colors Macondo. Although darker and less whimsical as his masterpiece, it is quite easy to see the seeds from which his later work would grow.


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