photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

Why use a vault when you can store every vital financial document you own in a basket? Somewhere my accountant is shrieking!

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

This 19th-century French chandelier (attributed to Baccarat) is as tall as creative director Adam Glassman.

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

This Victorian brass bed was made for napping.

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

This bowl, made of glass, enamel, and semiprecious stones, is very regal. It's just not very me anymore.

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

I don't have pictures of my ancestors, so I put up mirrors. This 18th-century French trumeau mirror has a canvas panel with a hunting scene painted on it. Very to the manor born...

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

I love dolls because I wasn't allowed to have one growing up—but even if I had been, finding a black one would have been nearly impossible. So this Jumeau baby from the 1800s was a rare discovery. In the end, Gayle persuaded me not to part with her.

photos of oprah's auction

Photo: Luca Travato

These pieces from my staircase took two years to make. The people who crafted them also did my front gate and fireplace screen. They're works of art, but now they feel too grand for the way I want to live.

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

You need a lot of space and imagination for these two sofas. I watched some great movies on them when they were in my screening room.

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

Aren't these library steps fantastic? They deserve to be surrounded by great literature, not stuck in a storage warehouse.

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

I lost track of how many rugs were auctioned off. All I can tell you is that they're going to put a lot of girls through college. Turns out charity really does begin at home!

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

I signed this original canvas banner for The Color Purple, hoping it would bring the person who bought it as much joy as the experience of making the movie brought me.

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

Sold to the lady in green! She bought the Color Purple banner, and guess what: She's giving it to her mom!

photos of oprahs auciton

Photo: Luca Travato

I was a reluctant auctioneer at first, but I wound up having a blast!

photos of oprahs auction

Photo: Luca Travato

I guess I went through a major armoire phase. This one is faux bamboo.

photos of oprah's auction

Photo: Luca Travato

These electric bikes made my Favorite Things list in 2012. But when they didn't have enough horsepower to get up the hill at my place in Hawaii, they were unfavorited in a hurry. If you live in the flatlands, they're terrific.

Next: Everything must go!: Inside Oprah's yard sale