weight loss plan

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Shaniqua Garvin
AGE: 35

GOAL: Take control of her health. After her husband died last year, Shaniqua learned she was prediabetic. She's determined to make good eating choices even though she's surrounded by temptation in her work as a party planner.

Emotional Check-in

Since the loss of her husband, Shaniqua has been attending a grief counseling group, but when life gets hectic and she can't make it to the meetings (which happens often), she relies on virtual support networks. "Facebook groups and online chats with friends can be helpful, but they can't replace interpersonal contact," says Mager. "The person can't see your reaction and, as a result, may not respond in a meaningful way."

Nutrition Advice

Stop skipping meals. Lippert noticed a few days in Shaniqua's food diary when she had only a small midday snack or passed on lunch altogether. "Even if she's busy working, Shaniqua needs to keep her metabolism and blood sugar steady throughout the day to burn calories effectively," Lippert says.