Photos: Before: Ruven Afanador. After: Ben Baker

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Sabrina Havens
Then: 140.5 lbs.
Now: 127 lbs.

Since I've dropped the extra weight, people tell me "You look beautiful!" and "You look so sexy!" It's really nice to hear things like that, but it's even better when people say they've been inspired by my story. One woman I know told me, "I loved how you said that as a mom, you're doing this for your kids." It reminded me what's truly important.

I joined a gym in my neighborhood, even though I'd never worked out in my life. I always used to say, "If you see me running, you should run, too, because it means there's something chasing me." But suddenly I've become a gym person. There's a babysitter there I feel comfortable leaving my daughter with. Aside from helping tone my body, the gym gives me time to myself—always in short supply.

I still haven't found love, but my perspective has changed. A year or two ago, I'd go on a first date worrying about sucking in my gut and thinking, Is he gonna like me? Now I feel like a catch—why wouldn't somebody want to go out with me? When I walk into Starbucks, I can see heads turn. That didn't happen a year ago. My divorce was recently finalized, so I'm still on an emotional roller coaster. But the lows feel a lot less low, and the sad days have become a little shorter.

I work as an acupuncturist, and patients always ask me how I lost the weight. I can tell them about my diet and exercise regime, but really, motivation is what made the difference. You have to want it.