How to Eat Healthy and Still Have Fun on Vacation
Photo: Thinkstock
Whether you are headed to the beach or to the mountains, the city or the country, Daphne Oz shares her secrets for how to eat healthy and maintain your hard-earned bikini body while on vacation.
If you're anything like me, you buy into the crazy hype that overtakes the marketing industry every December, hailing the imminence of bathing suit season and the imperative weight loss that must occur before you bare your uncovered midriff (or thighs or butt) to the world. You spend all spring hitting the gym, trying out all the "fat-blaster" group fitness classes, experimenting with the newest in lengthening and strengthening exercises and attempting to watch what you eat. Come summer, you've finally found a routine that works for you, just in time to set yourself up for disaster once you actually make it out of town.The thing is, even if you're among the lucky few who actually make it to your goal figure before setting out the beach umbrella and blanket, you're still not in the clear. Eating healthfully and maintaining a workout regimen while on vacation can be even harder than normal because you're taken out of the familiar environment that is your own kitchen and gym and plopped down somewhere unusual where the temptation to overeat and over-relax—is there really such a thing?—can be overwhelming.
My thought is this: Why would I spend six months getting ready to enjoy myself and a week letting all my good habits go to waste? It makes any vacation decidedly less fun when the results you've worked so hard to achieve start slipping away and you're left hanging loose in more ways than you wanted. I'm certainly not an advocate of ruining a vacation by worrying about working out or eating healthily, but it's possible to find a good balance and enhance your vacation experience through your healthy choices.
Next: 10 tips to help you get the most fun and health out of your vacation
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.