This works best with rice that has completely chilled down or, better yet, has been made earlier and kept in the refrigerator. But if you can't prepare rice for this dish in advance, you can still cook it and pop it into the refrigerator while you're cooking the rest.
Servings: Serves 2
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup long-grain or basmati rice
  • 1/2 pound top loin or sirloin
  • Thumb-size piece of fresh ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 fresh red or green chile
  • 2 scallions
  • Small bunch of fresh cilantro
  • 2 Tbsp. sesame oil or peanut oil or vegetable oil
  • 2 Tbsp. black bean sauce , good quality
  • 2 to 3 Tbsp. soy sauce
  • 2 limes
  • 1 egg , preferably free-range or organic
  • Directions
    To prepare your stir-fry: Bring a pan of salted water to the boil, add the rice and cook according to the packet instructions. Drain the rice in a strainer, run it under a cold tap to cool, then allow to dry out in the fridge. Trim any excess fat from your steak and slice the meat into finger-sized strips. Peel and finely slice the ginger and garlic. Finely slice the chile. Cut the ends off your scallions and finely slice. Pick the cilantro leaves and put to one side, and finely chop the cilantro stalks. Get yourself a big bowl and put in the ginger, garlic, chile, scallions, cilantro stalks and steak strips. Add the sesame oil and mix everything together.

    To cook your stir-fry: Preheat a wok or large frying pan on a high heat and once it's very, very hot add a good lug of peanut oil and swirl it around. Add all your chopped ingredients from the bowl. Give the pan a really good shake to mix everything around quickly. Stir-fry for 2 minutes, taking care to keep everything moving so it doesn't burn. Add the black bean sauce, and stir in 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and the juice of half a lime. Keep tossing. Taste and season with black pepper and a little more soy sauce. Remove the pan from the heat, transfer everything to a bowl and cover with aluminium foil. Give the pan a quick wipe with a ball of paper towels and put back on the heat. Add a lug of peanut oil and swirl it around. Crack in your egg and add a tablespoon of soy sauce—the egg will cook very quickly so keep stirring. Once it's scrambled, stir in your chilled rice, scraping the sides and the bottom of the pan as you go. Keep mixing for a few minutes until the rice is steaming hot, then taste and season with a little soy sauce.

    To serve your stir-fry: Divide the rice between two bowls or plates. Spoon over the meat and black bean sauce and sprinkle over the cilantro leaves. Serve with wedges of lime—great!

    This recipe is taken from Jamie's Food Revolution by Jamie Oliver (Hyperion). © Jamie Oliver, 2009


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