Here's the Deal with Mini Fruits and Vegetables
They're convenient, create less waste and taste fantastic. And don't forget the OMG cute factor.
By Lynn Andriani
The Single-Serving Avocado
For all the articles we've read about how to prevent an avocado from turning brown, there is only one surefire, never-fail technique we know of, and that is to just eat the entire avocado in one sitting. Unfortunately, unless you're making guacamole or avocado toast for at least two people, that usually isn't feasible. Enter Gator Eggs, aka baby avocados; they're grown by Shanley Farms in California, are available nationwide and taste just like regular-size avocados but weigh only about three ounces (a typical avo weighs six or seven). The 100-calorie fruits, which are sold in egg cartons of six, are the perfect size to dice for one salad or to slice for one sandwich, leaving you nothing left over to brown.
Published 05/26/2017