Photo: Courtesy of Company

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An Eggplant for Skeptics
If you think you don't like eggplant, it could be because you've been eating the wrong kind all your life. Mini eggplants—of which there are dozens of intriguingly named varieties, from "Fairy Tale" to "Graffiti" to "Bambino"—can taste vastly different from their oversize counterparts. They're often less bitter, have fewer seeds and don't absorb as much oil (so they don't taste greasy when fried, a common complaint with bigger eggplants). And with the increased general interest in eggplants distributors such as Frieda's Specialty Produce have been seeing, mini eggplants are becoming available beyond farmers' markets, says Karen B. Caplan, president and CEO of Frieda's. Try sautéing, grilling or roasting these approximately three-inch-long fruits (yes, they're technically fruits) halved or sliced—there's no need to peel them first, since their skins are so tender.