quote about being a mother

Image: Lisa Greene/iStock

The Honest Truth About Being a Mom
As moms, we sometimes feel guilty if we're not at every Little League game or school play, or contributing cupcakes to the bake sale. Not so fast, according to Alicia Keys, mother of two boys under the age of 6. The honest truth is that we don't need to have it all together. So on May 8 (although it should be every day of the year), I'll be sending special mommy hugs to all the hardworking women celebrating Mother's Day.

meghan trainor

Photo: Courtesy of Gayle King

Joyful Noise, Part 1
If upbeat pop songs are your thing, then you've probably been singing Grammy winner Meghan Trainor's tunes ever since her debut album was released—just like me. Naturally, when I finally met Meghan, I asked her, "When do you have new music coming out?" Next thing I knew, she was slipping her headphones over my ears and playing "No," the lead single of Thank You, while dancing along. When it ended, all I could say was, "Wait until I learn the words!" On May 13, Meghan will prove that sophomores don't always slump.

corinne bailey rae

Photo: Courtesy of Virgin Records

Joyful Noise, Part 2
It's been six years since we last heard from British singer-songwriter Corinne Bailey Rae—of "Put Your Records On" fame—and to be completely frank, I was wondering if she was as good as I remembered. But as soon as I heard "Green Aphrodisiac," I knew she was back and better than ever. I'll be all ears when her third album, The Heart Speaks in Whispers, is released May 13.

kentucky derby hats

Photo: Stephen J. Cohen/Wire Image/Getty Image

And They're Off!
I went to my first Kentucky Derby two years ago and loved all two minutes of it (yes, if you blink, you'll miss it). But there's an unofficial contest—off the track—that isn't to be missed: the Best Hat Competition. Extravagant, flashy, and in-your-face are just a few of the A-game styles on view. Throw spectacular food and a fun crowd into the mix, and it sounds like my kind of party.

special correspondents

Photo: Kerry Hayes/Netflix

And... action!
When I found out Ricky Gervais had written and directed a new film, I expected (and got) 100 minutes of belly laughs. Special Correspondents stars Eric Bana as a radio journalist faking frontline reports from a war in Ecuador—from the comfort of his New York home. I won't give away more of the crazy premise, but I promise the movie is another feather in Netflix's cap. (Streaming on April 29)

Check out fun videos of Gayle over on our Youtube channel. Follow Gayle on Instagram and Twitter (@GayleKing).