
Jimmy McNichol's Close-Knit Family and the Daughter He Never Knew He Had

Season 4 Episode 410
Aired on 10/13/2014 | CC tv-14
In the '70s, singing and acting duo Jimmy and Kristy McNichol were the most sought-after siblings in Hollywood. Along with starring in popular movies of the week and the television series California Fever, the McNichols recorded their own disco album in 1978. It didn't take long for Jimmy to reach full heartthrob status as a teenager.

In 1982, his sister, Kristy, quit a film in the middle of production after suffering an emotional breakdown. Now, Jimmy talks about their current relationship. "We couldn't be any closer," he says.

Then, Jimmy introduces his mom and daughter Kellee Maize, a child he discovered in 2012.

"I've known I've been adopted since I was a little child," Kellee says. "And so when I did end up figuring out that he was my father, and deciding to pursue that, it was an incredibly emotional experience."

Watch how 53-year-old Jimmy is making up for lost time with his daughter today and how Kellee is following in her father's footsteps.

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