
Do Bert and Ernie Have Jobs?

Season 5
CC | tv-14
Audiences first met Bert and Ernie—Sesame Street's famous roommates—in 1969. Since then they have been making kids (and even parents) giggle from their apartment at 123 Sesame Street. Even though we all grew up with them, there's still a lot we don't know about the lovable Muppets. For example, do they have jobs?

Bert: I have thought about starting my own network, and I'd call it Bert's Book Club. It would be 24 hours of me reading.

Ernie: That sounds like a great idea, Bert! You could read stories to everyone!

Bert: No, no, no...I would silently read to myself, and people can watch me. I'm a really intense reader. Do we have a menu around? I can show you.

Watch the above video as Bert and Ernie explore their career options. Plus, the one thing Bert wants to see on Oprah's network!

More from Oprah: Where Are They Now?