Oprah: What else did you require [from Nadya]?

Suze: Here was the thing. We had 14 mouths to feed. Now all the other nannies are gone, [but] we have one left. That's like half-time because Nadya also has a child that is autistic. It’s not like she has 14 totally healthy children.

Nadya: Or older kids that make it easier. My older kids make it much, much, much more difficult. I don’t delegate the role of parent to my older kids. I refuse.

Oprah: That’s good. But I was thinking this last night...I mean, this is just unimaginable to me.

Nadya: It is.

Suze: Guess what, she’s doing it.

Oprah: It's unimaginable to me. My heart goes out to you because it’s unimaginable. As we were preparing for this last night, I [said], "This is unimaginable to me."

Nadya: You didn't [see me] lifting my 80-pound 5-year-old autistic son up the stairs with poop all over his back to his neck, giving him a shower, changing him—he needs three diapers—and bringing him down the stairs.

Oprah: Suze, when I heard that you had told her to get rid of the nannies...

Suze: [She] couldn't afford them. ... Here's the thing—I have this distinct belief, and I always will, that God never puts more on your plate than you can handle.

Oprah: I believe that too...but I think maybe God is saying, I didn’t tell you to go have 14 kids.

Suze: No, but she has them now. ... She's down to one nanny. She is doing it herself. She is taking the steps she needs to take. Whether or not you want to exploit these children...she has got to do something to feed them. So what's she going to do? She has to write a book, do a docu-series, do something that is respectful of these children on TV, make the money—why not? All of us are in reality today. There has got to be a respectful way for her to do that. So yeah, that’s what I want her to do.


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