America's Best Hair Cities

Where you live has a huge impact on how your hair looks. looked at humidity levels, pollution, rainfall, average wind speeds, sunshine, water hardness, demographics and the number of beauty salons per capita and found the cities with the best and worst conditions for hair. So did your home make the best or worst list? Read on to find out.  

New York

The Best
Number 6: New York

The summers can be hot and humid and therefore tough on hair, but New York's perfect-for-hair water makes up for the three months of hair-challenged weather. Plus it holds six of the top 10 zip codes with the most beauty salons in the country.

San Francisco

The Best
Number 5: San Francisco

San Francisco is no stranger to rain, but it's the number one city in the country with least weather variety. So since the weather doesn't change frequently, you'll have great hair once you get used to the climate. The soft water, lack of wind and high number of salons also mean that the odds are strongly in your favor for having good hair days.

Anchorage, Alaska

The Best
Number 4: Anchorage, Alaska 

You may be freezing your butt off in the second-coldest city in the country (first is Fairbanks, Alaska)—but your hair is in heaven. The city's lack of pollution and wind, plus the soft water, keep hair healthy and looking fabulous.

San Diego

The Best
Number 3: San Diego

San Diego's lack of seasons means it's always 70 and sunny—hair doesn't have to adjust to changing weather. Pair that with minimal wind and rain (it's in the top 10 for least rainy cities), and lots of salons per capita—pretty much should look just about perfect here.


The Best
Number 2: Honolulu

Beach-y hair like the Victoria's Secret models, anyone? This city has clean air, soft water, lots of salons and practically the same weather—a nicely un-sweaty 77 degrees—all year round. Come here and say "aloha" to gorgeous hair.

Santa Barbara

The Best
Number 1: Santa Barbara

Why is this city the best in America for your hair? Because it has it all: clean air, near-constant weather, a young population and not much rain or wind. Santa Barbara has been called the "American Riviera."

Click here to see the full "best hair" list.

Next up: See the worst-hair cities!

Pensacola, Florida

The Worst
Number 6: Pensacola, Florida

White beaches might lure you to the peninsula, but as one of the wettest cities an umbrella will constantly cover your head. Not to mention it might be difficult to find hip style advice around town, seeing as it's a top destination for retirees.

Phoenix, Arizona

The Worst
Number 5: Phoenix

Phoenix has the most extreme climate in all of America and hard water to boot!

Las Vegas, Nevada

The Worst
Number 4: Las Vegas

While it may be a blast to have a debaucherous weekend in the "City of Sin," it's certainly no fun for your hair to live in this desert climate. Forget repenting for your gambling habit, you'll be too busy praying for your sun-damaged hair. Take a cue form Nick Cage and LEAVE Las Vegas.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Worst
Number 3: Pittsburgh

It's not called the "Pitts" for nothin'. As the most polluted city in on this list, your hair will be calling Green Peace on a daily basis. Pollution has been known to cause premature balding, graying and dullness.

Olympia, Washington

The Worst
Number 2: Olympia, Washington

The rainy days and off-the-charts humidity will surely give your hair the blues in this capitol city. If you live here you are also most likely getting your hair cut by the neighbor's kid, seeing as though there are only 25 listed hairstylists in the city.

Corpus Christi, Texas

The Worst
Number 1: Corpus Christi, Texas

Everything is bigger (and more humid) in Texas...coming in at number 7 for most humid cities, "The Sparkling City by the Sea" also has hard water and only a handful of hair salons.

See the rest of the "worst hair" list on 

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