Many people have a dark side or a bad habit they'd rather ignore than face. Maybe you overindulge in food, gossip, criticize others or shop too much instead of looking at what's really going on. Debbie Ford explains how the shadow can affect your life and offers you a breakthrough plan that will change the way you view yourself forever.
"It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are without any self-deception or illusion that a light will develop out of which the path to success will be recognized." — I Ching

This six-week program promises to radically alter your life. It is amazing what can happen when you embrace your shadow and uncover the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that have been stored in your shadow and are driving your behavior. After reading The Shadow Effect book and doing the Shadow Effect Breakthrough Program, you will illuminate the hidden power of your true self and experience more love, more authenticity and more confidence.

What to Expect: 
Each week, Debbie will focus on one core area of your life, help you identify the shadow hiding there and support you through the process of opening to new possibilities and opportunities for your life. You'll need to find a quiet place to listen to the weekly podcast and to take notes for self-reflection on the PDF worksheets provided. Remember as you begin to face the blocks that have been holding you back that it's important to be kind to yourself and drop the self-judgment. You are doing deep self-exploration that will reward you in ways you have only imagined.

The Breakthrough Program Schedule:
Introduction to the Life Wheel
Week 1: Food/Body Image
Week 2: Relationships
Week 3: Money and Finances
Week 4: Health and Vitality
Week 5: Work and Career
Week 6: Create a New Vision for Your Life

Use the time throughout the week to listen to the visualization podcast, review the worksheet and share your comments on your progress with the community or join the Shadow Effect group on Facebook that Debbie Ford has created to support you throughout the plan.

Explore More on the Shadow:
What is the shadow?
Can you identify the shadow working in your life? Take the quiz!
Watch The Shadow Effect movie trailer Watch  
Discover how to live your divine plan—watch now! Watch  
Try the shadow trick exercise Watch  

NEXT PAGE: Get started with the life wheel today!


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