Shadow beliefs often resurface during the holidays or other times when you are around family—home is the birthplace of shadow beliefs. Uncover why family and the holidays stir up these beliefs, and how you can turn a stressful experience into a journey of self-discovery.
Tackling Your Holiday Shadow Beliefs
Learn to uncover and heal the pain. Instead of dreading holiday visits with your family, let this time serve you as a loving and nurturing experience of self-discovery.

Self Care Strategies
Get the quick action plan for taking care of yourself during the holidays.

Shadow Belief Action Plan
Follow life coach Debbie Ford's Four Step Plan.

A Holiday Success Story
Bitterness toward her family was holding Veronica back—until she learned to let go.

A New Beginning
Chris has struggled with her family dynamics for her entire life—but she she uncovered her shadow beliefs and found peace.

Transform Your Shadow Beliefs
Learn to transform your shadow beliefs into "gifts."


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