Thought for Today - Fatherhood
"I've learned to rely on the strength I inherited from all those who came before me—the grandmothers, sisters, aunts and brothers whose spirits were tested with unimaginable hardships yet survived. When I walk into a boardroom or stand before an audience or just move through the world, I bring all my history with me—all the people who paved the way for me are part of who I am. I take my greatest strength from their strength."
— Oprah
— Oprah
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"When we respect everybody around us, we are in peace with everybody around us."
— Don Miguel Ruiz, author
— Don Miguel Ruiz, author
Photo: Thinkstock
"Being successful is easy. Being respected and appreciated is special. Rather than becoming a person of success, become a person of value. "
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
Photo: Thinkstock
"Even after children are grown and ready to leave home, they will still look to their fathers for wisdom and advice. Fathers continue to play an essential part in the lives of their children as they grow and, perhaps, marry and build their own families."
— The National Fatherhood Initiative
— The National Fatherhood Initiative
Photo: Thinkstock
"The gift you give your children when you choose to focus on what they have, rather than on what they don't, is immeasurable. Seeking ways to allow them to express the best of themselves, and supporting them no matter how obscure their dreams may be, will undoubtedly give your children a solid platform on which to build a strong, fulfilling life."
— Marcus Buckingham, financial and career expert
— Marcus Buckingham, financial and career expert
Photo: Thinkstock
"Most fathers—perhaps even yours—are simply human: They have strengths and weaknesses, admirable and awful moments. Realizing this is part of growing up. It requires a willingness to tear down the psychological myth of the all-powerful father. Because our dads occupy such an important place in our hearts, minds and lives, this is immensely freeing. It allows us to emulate our fathers' best qualities while using even their worst errors to create a positive difference in our lives and the world."
— Martha Beck
— Martha Beck
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"Watching my husband be a father to our new son fills my heart with adoration that has no limit. It is like having a great love story unfold before my eyes and I have a front-row seat complete with butterflies in my stomach."
— Madisyn Taylor, DailyOM
— Madisyn Taylor, DailyOM
Photo: Nan Sao
"Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature."
— Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk, author and teacher
— Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk, author and teacher
"If you don't have a purpose for your relationship, if you don't have a place that you're going, something that you want to accomplish, something that you want to do, you can really get lost in the murk of the journey. There has to be a vision."
— Will Smith, actor
— Will Smith, actor
Photo: Thinkstock
"The things that make us 'good men' are absolutely useless for a parent—in fact, they are [often] counterproductive. I think, in general, a guy has to bring forward a whole other set of skills and traits to be a good father."
— Hugh O'Neill, author
— Hugh O'Neill, author
Photo: Thinkstock
"Dads make a whole lot of mistakes, but dads do a whole lot of things right too—all you really have to do is get the big stuff right."
— Dr. Meg Meeker
— Dr. Meg Meeker
Photo: Thinkstock
"You grow the most in the area where you already show some natural advantage, some natural area of talent or strength or passion. That's where you start."
— Marcus Buckingham, financial and career expert
— Marcus Buckingham, financial and career expert
Photo: George Burns
"Strength comes from our ability to stand up, face resistance, and walk through it. As you walk into what you fear, know that you already have the enduring power you're asking for—then say, "Thank you," because you understand your deepest struggle will produce your greatest strength."
— Oprah
— Oprah
Photo: Thinkstock
"You do not need to hide your fears or pretend you are stronger than you are. Sharing tenderness and caring, we can let love direct us."
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
Photo: Thinkstock
"Whatever your father rules may be, treasure them. Don't try to act as though they don't exist. You won't succeed—the psychology of fatherhood is too deeply rooted—and you'll be tossing out something you can use to illuminate, motivate and inspire your right life."
— Martha Beck
— Martha Beck
Photo: Thinkstock
"You really realize just how important someone else can be when you're no longer the star of your own life."
— Clint Black, country singer
— Clint Black, country singer
Photo: Thinkstock
"Teach your children how to identify their own strengths. Challenge them to contribute these strengths to others."
— Marcus Buckingham, career expert
— Marcus Buckingham, career expert
Photo: Thinkstock
"Most children need their parents' help and encouragement to discover the satisfaction of using their own imaginations. But the rewards of children's active, creative play last a lifetime."
— Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint, psychiatrist
— Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint, psychiatrist
Photo: Thinkstock
"Family activities are an opportunity to grow your relationships, to learn more about each other, to share similar interests, to laugh out loud, to discover new things together, to work together to accomplish your mutual goals and to have tons of fun."
— Sandra Magsamen
— Sandra Magsamen
Photo: Thinkstock
"Fathers are role models to their kids, whether they realize it or not. A girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be respected by boys. Fathers can teach sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility and responsibility."
— The National Fatherhood Initiative
— The National Fatherhood Initiative
Photo: Thinkstock
"You have reached the highest achievement if you have lived well, laughed often and loved much. Real success is about fully enjoying every moment."
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
"My father was a very funny man on the level of Richard Pryor. And where I come from, your sense of humor is the knife in which you cut through the wilderness of despair."
— Tracy Morgan, actor and comedian
— Tracy Morgan, actor and comedian
Photo: Thinkstock
"The simplest thing I can tell anyone is do not close the door. Open the heart."
— Stan L. Wright, father of country music singer Chely Wright
— Stan L. Wright, father of country music singer Chely Wright
Photo: Thinkstock
"It hurts so bad that I cannot save him, protect him, keep him out of harm's way, shield him from pain. What good are fathers if not for these things?"
— Thomas Lynch, author
— Thomas Lynch, author
Photo: Thinkstock
"I truly believe it is one of the greatest gifts we teach our children to show them through actions that they can make a positive difference in the lives of others."
— Sandra Magsamen
— Sandra Magsamen
"Connecting with my daughter is the most important thing in my life—the priority. I want to be a man who shows up for her. I want to have such a big influence on her, so that she knows she can call me about anything."
— Jamie Foxx, actor
— Jamie Foxx, actor
Photo: Thinkstock
"Hug your children often, but give them space when needed. Kids have to know you are there and you care for them. But, if you get too close to them, they are really going to bridle."
— Hugh O'Neill, author
— Hugh O'Neill, author
Photo: Thinkstock
"I've never wanted to be in touch with my masculine side—I've always ignored it, as I love being a woman. But maybe it's been there the whole time and I simply haven't recognized it, perhaps the mama bear in me, the part that wants to fiercely protect my baby boy, is my masculine side rising to the surface."
— Madisyn Taylor, DailyOM
— Madisyn Taylor, DailyOM
Photo: Thinkstock
"You cannot do it all alone. Sharing together means succeeding together. Don't let stubbornness stop you from reaching out to others for help."
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
— Ed and Deb Shapiro, spiritual teachers
Published 05/31/2010