The Power of Your Intuition
Photo: Courtesy of Simon & Schuster
Do you listen to your inner voice and follow your gut instincts? If not, now's the time to start! Author Laura Day explains how your intuition will help you become more powerfully connected to your life.
Have you ever experienced, in a fully visceral, soul-talking-directly-to-you kind of way, a shockingly clear, unbelievably useful piece of intuitive information, a tiny morsel of data that you simply, for the life of you, could not explain away? Have you ever just known something not just because you knew it, but more because you sensed it? Many of my students and clients (from doctors, engineers, and market analysts to businesspeople of all varieties, scientists, lawyers, and beyond) have come to their own sense of intuition just this way—through some unexplainable flash of insight, or perhaps triggered by something I said that worked for them. Regardless of how or under what circumstances it occurs, when tapped into purely, intuition and insight become the breath of life. My clients may have been skeptical, but as pragmatists, they knew they could not ignore what they themselves had experienced firsthand. I believe that intuitively they knew they had tapped into a new way of navigating. This sense made them hungry to know more and perhaps even led them to me. Though they may still be skeptics, guess what: they use these skills regularly anyway.
Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military sage, said, "Every battle is won before it is ever fought"—and this wise and profound message is exactly what this book is about. Engaging in battle is a waste of time. Goals can be achieved and, in fact, are achieved effectively only when you use your intuition to map the way before you start the journey, anticipating and avoiding obstacles, arriving at landmarks in the right order with proper timing, and, when you can, following the scenic route.
We live in a world of constant activity, always doing, in motion, on task. The reality is that your truest successes come not only from what you do, but more so from your preparedness and ability to gather needed information in advance. The doing piece is actually tiny, but only if you have laid down the proper foundation of readiness. Everything is available. Your only task at hand is to position yourself properly to receive it. Think of yourself as a perfectly designed state-of-the-art radio. You may be able to send and receive all the right signals—but only if your power is on.
What I love about teaching intuition is that it reveals how capable each of us is no matter how we may "feel" about our worth or training. My book How to Rule the World from Your Couch is meant to be used "on the job" of living your daily life. I want to point out some places where you are intuitive and give you suggestions to direct this innate ability more effectively in your life right now.
There are three beginning points to finding your footing in life. Let's join together in a brief experience of each one. I say join together because even science is now finding that we live in a unified field of energy. What does that mean for you? Your experience is perceived and shared by the world around you. If you create health and joy for yourself, it is shared by others even at a distance. You can heal the world by making your own life the best it can be.
Get 3 ways to put your intuition to work
Excerpted from How to Rule the World from Your Couch by Laura Day, (Simon & Schuster)