The One Thing You Can Do to Honor Your Inner Voice
Listening to your intuition can lead you to a more fulfilling life.
Photo: Thinkstock
Have you ever been thinking about a friend when the phone rings? "I was just thinking about you!" you exclaim. "What a coincidence!"
The word coincidence means that two events happen at the same time, like your thinking about your friend and your friend's call. When this happens, it is never an accident. Your friend and you are connected in ways that your eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue cannot show you but that your intuition did.
Have you ever had a feeling you shouldn't do something and then done it anyway?
"I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!" you say.
That is right. Your intuition told you, but you wanted so much to trust that you ignored it.
Multisensory perception and intuition are the same thing, but multisensory perception is a more accurate name. Most people think that intuition is a hunch that occurs now and then, but it is more that. It is a very sophisticated system that allows you to know more than you can with your five senses. As we become more and more intuitive—and we all are—we encounter different kinds of experiences.
Libby was my favorite grandmother. I loved to visit her when I was little. There was a restaurant in her building, and after dinner we would walk through the lobby hand in hand. Each time she met a friend, she would say, "This is my grandson. You remember him, don't you?" I was embarrassed, but if I objected (which I always did), she would jerk my hand downward and say "Shuuush!"
I was in college when she died. A lot of people came to her funeral. When the rabbi gave her eulogy, I watched him from an alcove to his left. A small television hung from the ceiling. This gave us a front row view of the rabbi. Seeing Grandmother Libby's funeral on television was so bizarre to me that I started to laugh. Suddenly, I felt Grandmother Libby jerk my hand downward.
"Shuuush!" she said sharply.
She didn't want me disturbing her funeral. I stopped laughing and we stood silently, side by side, for the rest of the service. I never grieved Libby's departure, because she didn't leave. I did not tell my family about this experience for 30 years. I didn't think they would believe me. Now that we are all becoming multisensory, it is not necessary to wait 30 years before sharing experiences like these.
Next: How to connect with your own multisensory perception
The word coincidence means that two events happen at the same time, like your thinking about your friend and your friend's call. When this happens, it is never an accident. Your friend and you are connected in ways that your eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue cannot show you but that your intuition did.
Have you ever had a feeling you shouldn't do something and then done it anyway?
"I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!" you say.
That is right. Your intuition told you, but you wanted so much to trust that you ignored it.
Multisensory perception and intuition are the same thing, but multisensory perception is a more accurate name. Most people think that intuition is a hunch that occurs now and then, but it is more that. It is a very sophisticated system that allows you to know more than you can with your five senses. As we become more and more intuitive—and we all are—we encounter different kinds of experiences.
Libby was my favorite grandmother. I loved to visit her when I was little. There was a restaurant in her building, and after dinner we would walk through the lobby hand in hand. Each time she met a friend, she would say, "This is my grandson. You remember him, don't you?" I was embarrassed, but if I objected (which I always did), she would jerk my hand downward and say "Shuuush!"
I was in college when she died. A lot of people came to her funeral. When the rabbi gave her eulogy, I watched him from an alcove to his left. A small television hung from the ceiling. This gave us a front row view of the rabbi. Seeing Grandmother Libby's funeral on television was so bizarre to me that I started to laugh. Suddenly, I felt Grandmother Libby jerk my hand downward.
"Shuuush!" she said sharply.
She didn't want me disturbing her funeral. I stopped laughing and we stood silently, side by side, for the rest of the service. I never grieved Libby's departure, because she didn't leave. I did not tell my family about this experience for 30 years. I didn't think they would believe me. Now that we are all becoming multisensory, it is not necessary to wait 30 years before sharing experiences like these.
Next: How to connect with your own multisensory perception