Register to Donate Your Organs
Nineteen people die every day waiting for a transplant. Because more people need transplants than there are organs available, register your organs on the donor registry. In addition to indicating your wishes on your driver's license, make your family members aware of your decision. Saving a life by donating a heart, lung, or kidney or allowing someone to see again through your cornea may be the most significant gift you ever give...and you may not even be aware you are giving it.
Read Keisha Whitaker's blog!
Read Keisha Whitaker's blog!
- Declare on your driver's license your wish to donate tissue and organs.
- Carry a donor card in your wallet.
- Sign up on your state's donor registry today.
- Inform your family, loved ones, and physician of your decision.
- Over 120,072 people are waiting for organs to be donated.
- 77 people receive organ transplants every day.
- As many as 50 people's lives can be saved or improved from each organ and tissue donor.
- There is no age limit on who can donate.
- Most family members are not aware of on another's willingness to be a donor, even if it is indicated on their driver's license.
More Ways to Make Your Mondays Matter
Excerpted from: Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways to Make a Difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza. Copyright © 2008 Every Monday Matters LLC. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.