Each week, spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra responds to Oprah.com users' questions with enlightening advice to help them live their best lives.
Q: When I look back at my life in general, God has always blessed me, and I thank God for the blessings and for opening my eyes. I like harmony and peace, but I work with two ladies who are negative, gossipy and don't like each other. The energy is toxic. I know God sees all and is all knowing. I pray every day for a change, but right now I need the job, especially with the recession going on. I am on the outside looking in. They each even go as far as to sabotage me because I will not stoop to their level. This has been going on for three years. The worst spirits I have ever encountered. Why me?

— Debra C., Emeryville, California

Dear Debra,
You are frustrated because you have narrowed your vision a bit. It seems you feel it necessary to put up with these two women while taking on the burden of curing your dislike and discomfort when you are around them. There are others ways to cope. Instead of turning these lemons into lemonade, take this as an opportunity to learn detachment. At the same time, find a way to have positive experiences during your day.

Here are some suggestions:
  • Don't obsess about your co-workers. If possible, don't give them a moment's thought.

  • When you feel really frustrated, go someplace in private and vent your frustrations. It's okay to scream if nobody overhears you. Bring a pillow, name it after them and give it a good whack when you feel like it.

  • Draw their faces on the bottom of your shoe. Enjoy the feeling it brings to know you are stepping on them all day. (I know this may sound childish, but the technique comes from a very experienced psychiatrist).

  • At home, take some time every day to close your eyes and find your center. When you get good at it, take the practice to work with you. A few minutes' break is all you need to go inside and stabilize.

  • At least one hour a day, email or call someone whom you really enjoy talking to. Being in constant contact with friends has been proven highly effective by those researching happiness.

  • During your lunch break, do something you really love. Even if the activity lasts only a few minutes, it takes you to a place where these two irritating people can't intrude.
I'm happy you feel blessed by God, but don't accept that reward as the good side of being punished by this bad situation. God will continue to bless you if you do your best to improve your life, as you know.


Next question: Can you accept your partner and still hope that he will change?

Every week, Deepak will be answering questions from readers just like you—ask your question now!

Deepak Chopra is the author of more than 50 books on health, success, relationships and spirituality, including his current best-seller, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, and The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, which are available now. You can listen to his show on Saturdays every week on SiriusXM Channels 102 and 155.

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