Ten dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to YouthAIDS Population Services International to:
YouthAIDS Population Services International
1120 19th Street N.W., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20036

Or visit www.youthaids.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.  

Fifteen dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to Free the Children to:
Free the Children
P.O. Box 32099
Hartford, CT 06150-2099

Or visit www.freethechildren.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.

Twenty dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to ProLiteracy Worldwide to:
ProLiteracy Worldwide
1320 Jamesville Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13210

Or visit www.proliteracy.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.

Twenty-five dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to America's Second Harvest to:
America's Second Harvest
35 East Wacker Drive, #2000
Chicago, IL 60601

Or visit www.secondharvest.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.

Sixty dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to Heifer International to:
Heifer International
P.O. Box 8058
Little Rock, AR 72203

Or visit www.heifer.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.

Seventy-five dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to Women for Women International to:
Women for Women International
1850 M Street N.W., Suite 1090
Washington, D.C. 20036

Or visit www.womenforwomen.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.

One hundred dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to Help the Afghan Children to:
Help the Afghan Children
8603 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 230
Vienna, VA 22182

Or visit www.helptheafghanchildren.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.

One hundred fifty dollars...

To donate, send a check made out to Child Family Health International to:
Child Family Health International
995 Market Street, Suite 1104
San Francisco, CA 94103

Or visit www.cfhi.org and click on the O magazine icon.

Oprah's Angel Network has researched these charities, but circumstances change all the time. You should perform your own independent investigation before donating to any charity or organization. Please note that Harpo Productions, Inc. and its affiliated companies and entities (including, but not limited to The Oprah Winfrey Show,) cannot guarantee that the funds will be used for the specific purpose mentioned. If the donations exceed the capabilities of the project mentioned above, the charities may use the funds for a similar program.