I feel that every woman in this world would love to be truly desired by the person they love. To hear things like, "I've been thinking about you all day and couldn't wait to get home to see you." For the man to make the woman feel like the sexiest woman on this earth. By giving her his undivided attention at the kitchen table and in the bed. I think women want romance! They don't need expensive gifts to feel good. They just need some TLC sometimes to heal the soul.

— Anna of Bradford, Ontario

Women want simplicity on Valentine's Day. For the last three Valentine's Days, I have gathered my daughter's teenage daughter and the children of two of my daughter and son-in-law's friends, cooked dinner for the couples, served appetizers, had the moms escorted to the dinner table by the sons or a male and the dads escorted to the table by their daughters.

The full meal is prepared and served by the children and myself. It is imperative that the children give Valentine's cards to the mothers, along with some type of verbal appreciation. The women love it, and they get a day off, as well. The husbands are saved from having to plan a sometimes hassled night out at overcrowded restaurants. Simplicity is the key.

— Shelia of Sauk Village, Illinois

I think the most romantic thing a family man can do for Valentine's Day is to take the whole family out to dinner and show them his unconditional love and show the family how important their mother really is to him. That would speak volumes.

— Betty of Harrison, Tennessee

More than anything, I would like to have time to relax and for dinner to be cooked. I always get off work first, but that also means I do the laundry and the dishes and the dinner. So on Valentine's Day, I would love to come home to no laundry, clean dishes and the table set for a dinner that is already cooked. Cards and flowers and chocolate and date night are wonderful, and I appreciate them, truly! But the idea of coming home and knowing I don't have a care in the world—that would make my night!

— Stephanie of Canton, Georgia

For Valentine's Day, I would love to spend time with close friends, maybe go to the beach, sit still and watch a beautiful sunset. Sitting still in the quiet moment with friends is powerful! Valentine's Day is special to me because it is the anniversary of the death of my sister, who died 36 years ago and my best friend who died of lung cancer 10 years ago. I like to take time to reconnect with their souls and remember the good and important times that we shared. I also like to journal and sit with a cup of tea and remember all the blessings of having special people whom I love and who love me in return.

— Myrlene of Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Women want affection and love. Not just physical, sexual love. We want to be appreciated for being a good friend, a good mom, a good sexual partner, a good sister, a good co-worker. Even if we don't get recognition or appreciation, we always want our dignity. But we can also give those feelings to ourselves. Ultimately, we want the people (and pets!) who share our lives to be healthy and happy. That makes us happy, and that's what makes us women!

— Delia of Davis, California

I have worked so hard my whole life—putting myself through college, raising two babies as a single mother when my first husband walked out on me and then remarrying and taking care of four boys, two cats, assorted dogs and my husband. There have been such long years of hard work, cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, etc.

Just once, I would love to walk into the house after work and [see] that he has hired a cleaning person to create a spotless atmosphere. The table would be set with candles and flowers, and he would have prepared a wonderful dinner with wine. The music would be soft, slow music in the background. This would be followed with the statement, "I love you."

— Harriet of Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania

For myself and some women, it's not material things…although diamonds have always been a temporary patch for the broken heart. Women want to feel that whatever it is that's being done or given is genuine. Respect, honesty and loyalty is worth more than any material thing on earth.

If anything on Valentine's, if you have neglected/disrespected your mate the other 364 days out of the year, a genuine/sincere apology is better than roses. Commit to putting your mate on that pedestal that no one else can tilt—promise to love her today and every other day. After all, what does Valentine's Day mean if it is only an act of "love" for the day and not from the heart every other day!

— Valerie of Sherman Oaks, California