7 Surprising Things That Can Affect Your Sex Life
The biggies—head, heart and hormones—are in the right place. But these discoveries demonstrate how even tiny choices can play a role in the bedroom.
By Jena Pincott
His Belt Size
Over the years, his waistline has stealthily expanded (whose hasn't?), but you've never let it get between you and a great sex life. The surprise: His extra weight may actually have tipped the balance in your favor.
Fat men last longer—so finds a study published in The International Journal of Impotence Research showing that men with a higher body mass could make love for more than seven minutes on average, versus less than two for their fitter and slimmer peers. Body fat may protect against premature ejaculation because it contains high levels of the sex hormone estradiol, which slows down a man’s ability to ejaculate. (Note: There's a sweet spot—levels that are too high may lead to erectile dysfunction, a condition more common in obese men.)
Published 05/02/2013