
The R&B Superstar Who Discovered Justin Bieber

Season 6 Episode 601
Aired on 04/30/2016 | CC
Pop idol Justin Bieber owes his fame to another superstar who started his music career at a young age.

The R&B artist Usher, who was discovered by music mogul L.A. Reid when Usher was just 14 years old, called L.A. one day and said, "I have a gift for you." Soon enough, Usher brought the talented Justin Bieber to L.A.'s doorstep, in effect paying back the record executive for making him a huge star in the '90s.

Here, L.A. shares the astonishing story of paying it forward.

Tune in for Oprah: Where Are They Now? Saturday, April 30 at 10/9c.