
George Hamilton Recalls Elizabeth Taylor's Topless Tanning Incident

Season 4 Episode 408
Aired on 11/09/2014 | CC
Over the decades, George Hamilton, a debonair leading man with more than 100 film and television roles to his credit, has been linked to a number of glamorous women. Of all of George's former flames, which include models, actresses and the daughter of President Lyndon B. Johnson, only one could out-suntan him: Elizabeth Taylor.

Although many decades have passed since George dated Elizabeth in the '80s, he still remembers a topless sunbathing incident in Spain. "Elizabeth decided to take her bra off, and she was going to be on the balcony tanning," he says. "We were up three floors, and there were no paparazzi."

At the end of the day, George took Elizabeth to a party being hosted by Sean Connery, where she was shown topless photos of herself. "Paparazzi had been taking pictures all day," he says. "They brought in this guy, and he was trembling. Elizabeth, I thought, was going to have his head taken off."

In the above video, George shares how Elizabeth reacted when confronted with these scandalous images.

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