
Charice's Coming-Out Story: "My Soul Is Male"

Season 4 Episode 412
Aired on 10/20/2014 | CC
When Oprah first heard Charice, a then-unknown talent from the Philippines, sing in May 2008, she called her "the most talented girl in the world." Charice shared her real-life Cinderella story on The Oprah Show, and viewers watched as her dreams began to come true.

After singing alongside her idols, releasing her first album and landing a recurring role on Glee, things began to fall apart. Charice became estranged from her mother, and her father was murdered. Then, in 2013, she stunned many of her fans when she announced that she was gay.

Now, six years after their first meeting, 22-year-old Charice opens up to Oprah about how she had the courage to come out to the world. "I knew when I was 5," she says. "I was in grade school and I saw this girl, and I felt different. I didn't know what it was, but I just knew ... it felt special. And when I was 10, I was like, 'Oh, that's it; I'm gay.'"

In the above video, Charice also shares her thoughts on gender identity. Watch now.

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